Zoom Crassula ‘Red Pagoda’ | Crassula capitella| Cactus Succulent 4 inch Indoor Outdoor Plant
Zoom Crassula ‘Red Pagoda’ | Crassula capitella| Cactus Succulent 4 inch Indoor Outdoor Plant
Zoom Crassula ‘Red Pagoda’ | Crassula capitella| Cactus Succulent 4 inch Indoor Outdoor Plant
Zoom Crassula ‘Red Pagoda’ | Crassula capitella| Cactus Succulent 4 inch Indoor Outdoor Plant

Crassula ‘Red Pagoda’ | Crassula capitella| Cactus Succulent 4 inch Indoor Outdoor Plant



With an interesting architectural-like leaf structure, Crassula Red Pagoda will be a great addition to any home succulent collection.  The leaves will become red depending on how much sunlight it gets.  The plant will come in a 4 inch pot.  The leaves fall off easily in transit, so don't be alarmed if you see fallen leaves in the box. 


Like most succulents, they are low-maintenance and easy to care for.

You can grow this succulent indoors or outdoors, it’s your choice. Growing this succulent outdoors will provide bigger and maybe healthier growth, but indoor growing is still common. Just the succulent will most likely grow a lot smaller indoors than outdoors.

This succulent can also be grown in any location outdoors, just as long as the weather is warm and suitable for growing succulents. It isn’t cold hardy, so don’t even bother to grow this succulent outdoors during the winter, it will die!


Use fast draining soil for the Crassula Red Pagoda. This succulent soil has 2 of the fastest draining ingredients out there sand and perlite. Sand and perlite will protect your Crassula Red Pagoda from root rot. Root rot is known as the #1 most common reason why a succulent will die and it happens a lot.


You should water your crassula red pagoda succulent once a week and once a week only. This is the perfect amount of watering for growing this succulent healthy, happy and of course preventing root rot.

You have to make sure that you don’t overwater this succulent. Overwatering this succulent will easily allow root rot to occur. As we have mentioned, root rot occurs when the soil stays wet and not dry for several days, making mold and bacteria appear.

Overwatering will allow the mold and bacteria to appear all because the soil will be soaked full of water for several days. All because there’s way too much water in the soil, this will easily allow mold and bacteria to appear.

This is why once a week and once a week only is the perfect amount of water for growing this succulent healthy, happy and for preventing root rot. This succulent doesn’t need or want too much water, so don’t overwater it!

Also be sure that you don’t underwater this succulent, underwatering symptoms will occur and those symptoms would be dry/wrinkled leaves. If your crassula red pagoda succulent has dry/wrinkled leaves then dig your finger into the soil. If the soil feels very dry then go ahead and water the crassula red pagoda succulent. 

It’s also very important to keep track of the exact last time you watered your crassula red pagoda succulent. If a watering issue does occur then you will know what’s exactly going on and what to do next to treat or save the succulent. 

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Indulge in your shopping spree! treat yourself to your favorites and enjoy complimentary shipping across the USA on all orders over $75.

Crassula ‘Red Pagoda’ | Crassula capitella| Cactus Succulent 4 inch Indoor Outdoor Plant
